GM case 01.

 General Medicine Case 01

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here, we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based input.

Date of admission:- 25/07/2021

A 50 year old male who works as a farmer admitted to OPD with complaints of swelling all over body since 10 days, shortness of breath,decreased urine output since 2 days, constipation from 3 days, abdomen distension on and off.

History of Present illness:- 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic since 10 years.He developed edema over face and legs.He admitted in other hospital and diagnosed as Chronic kidney disease and patient underwent 5 session of dialysis.

Patient has pedal edema , face puffiness, shortness of breath, decreased urine output, constipation and admitted to our hospital and undergone 4 dialysis.

Patient is Diabetic and has Hypertension. Patient has pain or decreased pain sensation in legs since 3 years. 

Repeated trauma to legs . Delayed healing.

Patient readmitted on 5/08/2021 due to chest pain.

Past History:-

Patient is Diabetic since 10 years, Hypertension since 4 years . No asthma, no T.B, no epilepsy,no allergies.

History of Epididymectomy 5 years ago.

Personal History:-

Appetite abnormal, Sleep is not adequate, Bladder and bowel movements abnormal .

Mild alcohol addiction. No allergies.

Family History:-

No family member has similar complaints.Patient mother has Hypertension.No history of CAD , asthma , thyroid disorder in family.

Treatment History:-

Patient was undergone treatment for hypertension (drug-- nefidinol) and for diabetes.

General examination:- 

Patient is conscious, lethargic and cooperative.

Paleness- present

Dry skin over legs.

Bipedal pitting Edema.

No lymphadenopathy.

No icterus,no cyanosis,no clubbing.

Mild dehydration.


Temperature :- 97°F

Pulse rate:- 80/min

Respiration rate :- 16 /min

Blood pressure:- 140/70 mm Hg

SpO2:- 98% 

Systemic Examination:-

CVS:- Cardiac sounds s1, s2
Cardiac murmurs - No

Respiratory system:- Dyspnoea present
No wheezing

CNS:- Conscious
Normal speech

Abdomen:- Obese, No tenderness,No palpable mass, Liver not palpable, Spleen not palpable.


Blood urea--68 mg/dl 
Serum creatinine-- 3.2 mg/dl 

Urea -- 94 mg/dl 
Creatinine-- 3 mg /dl 
Uric acid --6.9 mg/dl 
Calcium--9.6 mg/dl
Phosphorus--4.3 mg/dl 
Sodium--- 135 mEq/L 
Potassium-- 3.5 mEq/L 
Chloride--- 101 mEq/L 

Serum Electrolytes:- 
Sodium--- 132mEq/L
Potassium-- 4.3 mEq/L
Chloride-- 96 mEq /L 

Hemoglobin-- 9.8 GM/dl 
Lymphocyte-- 18% 
PCV-- 26.7 vol%
MCV-- 74.6fl
MCH-- 27.4 pg
MCHC-- 36.7 %
RDW- CV-- 12.3%
RDW- SD-- 33.9 fl
RBC Count-- 3.58 millions/ cumm
Platelet Count-- 3.02lakhs/ cumm

Smear count:-
RBC -- microcytic hypochromic
WBC--- normal in limits
Platelet--- adequate
Hemoparasites-- none
Impression --- microcytic hypochromic anemia

PH-- 7.57
PCO2-- 24.1 mm Hg
PO2-- 35 mm Hg
HCO3-- 22.6 mmol/ L
St.HCO3-- 25.6 mmol/L
BEB--- 1.9mmol/L
BEecf-- 0.6 mmol/L
TCO2 -- 44.6 vol
O2 Sat-- 72.3 %
O2 Count-- 12.1 vol%

Blood sugar
PLBS-- 219 mg/ dl 
 FBS --- 193 mg/dl 

Serum iron -- 71ug/dl 

Glycated hemoglobin:-
HbA1C -- 7.1% 


Final diagnosis:- 
Chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. 

Inj. LASIX 40 mg IV/BD
INJ. Erythropoietin 4000 IU S/C once weekly
Fluid restriction upto 1 lit/ day
Salt restriction < 2 gm / day

After dialysis why patient still suffer from shortness of breath?
Does there is any relationship between Acute 
epididymitis and CKD ?


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