General medicine case 10

General Medicine Case 10

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here, we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

A 21 year old female who is studying Degree came to OPD with Chief complaints of seizures since 1 month.

History of Present illness:-
Patient was apparently asymptomatic since 2 years. She diagnosed as Diabetic and Hypothyroid 2 years ago as she had fever which lasted for 15 days . Fever - high grade associated with chills and rigors went to hospital.She came to OPD with Chief complaints about seizure since 1 month. It is GCTS type of seizures lasted for 10 minutes  , 1 episode - no tongue bite ,froth from mouth , involuntary defecation , micturition ,uprolling of eye.

She had these seizures everytime at night around 1 to 3 am since 1 month. Till now she had 4-5 episodes since 1 month.

Routine:- She used to wake up between 6-7 A.M
Have her breakfast at 8 A.M. She goes to clg by 9A.M. Have her lunch by 1 P.M. And returns home from college by 5 P.M and does household work. By 8 P.M have her dinner. And by 10-11 P.M she goes to sleep.

Past History:-

She has Diabetes and Hypothyroid since 2 years.
No history of Asthma, Hypertension, epilepsy, Tuberculosis.

Personal History:- 

Patient has mixed diet.
Sleep - adequate.
Appetite - normal.
Bowel and bladder movements normal.
Menstrual period is normal.

Family History:- 

No members in family has similar complaints.

Treatment History:-

Patient was on insulin since 2 years ,earlier doses of 30 u -x- 50 u , increased dose of insulin mixtard since 20 days .

Patient was on thyronorm 75 mcg ,stopped since 4 months .

General examination:-
Patient is conscious, coherent, well oriented to place and time.
Patient was Moderately nourished.
No anemia, no pallor, no icterus ,no cyanosis , no clubbing.
No generalised lymphadenopathy.

Temperature - afebrile 
Blood pressure - 110/70 mmHg 
Pulse rate - 74 bpm
Respiratory rate - 17 cpm

Systemic Examination:-
CVS - S1 S2 + 
RS - bae + 
CNS - no focal neurological deficits 
Per Abdomen- soft , non tender , no organomegaly , bowel sounds+.


HB - 10.5 g/dl

TLC - 16,200 

PLt - 5.15 

Rbs - 230 mg/dl

Blood urea - 13 mg/dl

Cue : trace albumin , nil sugars ,pus cells - 2 to 4 
Serum creatinine - 0.6 mg/dl

Lft : tb - 0.66 , db - 0.20 , ast - 26 iu/l , alt - 14 iu/l , alp - 252 iu/l , tp - 6.4 g/dl, albumin - 3.7 g/dl , a/g ratio - 1.42 

Electrolytes : Na - 144 , K - 4.3 , Cl - 97 

Spot urine protein - 21 

Spot urine creatinine - 47.4 
Ratio - 0.44 

Serum iron - 62 mcg/dl

Ultrasound abdomen - no sonological abnormality detected 

Provisional diagnosis:-
Seizures under evaluation 
? Hypoglycemic seizures 
? Epileptic disorders 


1.inj lorazepam 2 cc IV SOS 

2.inj Optinneuron 1 amp in 100 ml ns iv od 

3.inj insulin mixtard s/c bd 30-x-30 units 

4.grbs charting 7 point profile 

5.bp/pr /SPO2/temp charting 4th hourly 


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